About Us

Hey there! I'm Courtney; nice to meet you virtually! I'm a fashion and lifestyle influencer/ content creator in the Greater Philadelphia area. When not working on public relations campaigns for my full-time job, I live a double life as a fashion and lifestyle digital content creator. On my socials and blog, I love to share my favorite things in life, such as fashion tips, beauty secrets, delicious places to eat, and all the fantastic places I've been to! I have worked with clients from various industries nationwide and look forward to new opportunities that allow me to grow my skills as a content creator and share meaningful messages with my audiences.


TikTok Stats

66.36 %
Average Reach
TikTok Total Followers
72.66 %
TikTok Engagement Rate

Instagram Stats

110.0 %
Average Reach
Instagram Total Followers
113.7 %
Instagram Engagement Rate
Target Audience

🔍 Influencer Type: Nano influencers (1K–10K followers)

📆 Target Age: 25-34

🎯 Target Type: (B2B/B2C):

👯 Target Gender: Female

🪩 Our Niche: Lifestyle

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